Poem: I'll Survive

You ask me how I’m doing
I reply with “I’ll survive”
You ask, “how is your day?”
I say “I guess, OK”
You ask me, “how are you?”
I respond with a sigh.
But this is just life, right,
The days just passing by?
What else is there to do,
But get on with my work?
Continue pushing forward,
Being partner, parent, friend.
At some point life will take a turn
And the hard things will end.
I tolerate the life I lead,
I squash my feelings down.
I feel so very tired,
Sometimes I feel I’ll drown.
In all the daily To Do lists,
Things about which I do not care,
I just have to face it,
There’s nothing better out there.
But what if there's another way,
A chance to make a change?
What if I can do the things
I’ve always wanted to arrange?
What if I can make new friends,
Create my business,
Have confidence and self-esteem.
What if I can say all the things
I really honestly mean?
What if it's really possible to not just survive,
But thrive!
I’ve seen that it is possible,
Others seem to find a way.
What if I can do it too?
And live my dream one day.
It might mean stepping out of comfort
And into life unknown.
But this current life I’m living,
Is one which I would happily outgrow.
So, what is the first step to take?
I’ve heard it’s only one.
Each step means I am forward,
The one before is gone.
So next time you ask me how I am,
I’m going to be totally honest.
I’ll say right now it’s a bit tough,
But to myself I have made a promise.
I’ll take the steps I want to take
To live the life I dream
I may need some help,
I will gather up my team.
I will find my coach and cheerleaders
To help along the way.
And I will look back in five year’s time
And remember my promise today.
Jenny Jarvis
If today is the day you want to make the promise to yourself, book a free introductory call.
How can an Introductory Call benefit me?
I know (as someone with introvert tendencies), having a call may feel like the last thing in the world you would want to do. I know that feeling of staring at the phone thinking, I really want to do something but this feels very scary. In all honesty, I still feel the same for a second when the phone starts to ring!
The reason it is important is that we need to know if we want to work with each other. This works 2 ways.
Building a relationship where you feel confident enough to tackle some deep issues with me starts here. Before you part with any money, before you commit to 3, 6 or 12 months deep work, we both need to know it's the right thing for you.
Because I understand how hard it is, booking the introductory call via the website creates the whole initial link. You get the meeting time you want, you receive the zoom link and reminders and then, when the time comes, we have an informal chat about what you want out of all of this. I will guide you the whole way and during this first call, we will already begin to design the life you want.
How I can help
My 1-1 programs will give you the focus, challenge and direction to find what you are looking for.
My membership will surround you with inspiring and positive people.
My Emails, YouTube and Social Media posting will give you the daily boost you need to know you are not alone, others are going through similar things and it is possible to change if you choose to.
Take the first steps towards your own Powerful Life.

Jenny Jarvis is a practicing, certified, UK Holistic Life Change Coach and NLP Practitioner who has empowered numerous people to live a life of their dreams, unleash their relationship with money and start and grow brands and businesses to great success. A truly inspirational individual, Jenny is also the mum to two amazing teens, a Reiki Master and motivational speaker. She inspires all to harness their greatness through energised coaching sessions, workshops and her membership club.
Book a free introductory session with Jenny and discovery how you might work together.